“Zum Publikumsliebling, der dann folgerichtig auch beim Publikumsvotum vorne lag, avancierte dagegen die amerikanische Sopranistin Corinne Schaefer. Ihre Interpretation der “Zueignung” von Richard Strauss atmete Hingabe, ihre Bravour-Arie “Qui la voce sua soave” aus “I Puritani” von Vincenzo Bellini glänzte in Beweglichkeit und beeindruckender Höhe. Ein weiterer Pluspunkt war bei ihr die vielbeschworene Bühnenpräsenz, die sie zweifelsohne besitzt.”
Annette Weigert, Die Rheinpfalz
“Audience favourite, and prominently the most successful in the audience vote, advanced American soprano, Corinne Schaefer. Her interpretation of Richard Strauss’s, “Zueignung,” was filled with devotion. Her Bravour’Aria, “Qui la voce sua soave,” from the opera, “I Puritani,” by Vincenzo Bellini shone in agility and impressive height. A further plus was the much-praised stage presence, which she possesses without doubt.”
Annette Weigert, Die Rheinpfalz
“The clandestine lovers Corinne Schaefer and Taylor Stayton are not only charming, but their vocal chemistry is brought to a gorgeous moonlit finale."
Lewis J Whittington, World of Music
Die Zauberflöte
“In one of the most outsized supporting roles ever created, Corinne Schaefer made a suitably furious Queen of the Night…dove cleanly into the famous "Hell's Fury/Der Hölle Rache " aria, nailing its Fs above high C without the difficulty.”
Harriet Howard Heithaus, Naples Daily News

Corinne is interviewed in the Spring 2023 edition of Grit & Goals.
To order, please visit
In this installment of the Artzine Monmouth Arts is shining the spotlight on Creative OPERAtions, one of the nonprofit member groups that form the foundation of Monmouth Arts' creative community.
To read the article click here.
Click here to listen to this episode
of Talks on the Wild Side featuring Corinne.

An excerpt from Corinne's discussion,
“Women in Art, a Dialogue.” at Hummelle Art in Hamburg, Germany.
Hear Corinne speak about Opera on Tap Hamburg in this interview with Klassik Radio
Corinne is interviewed by Concerti, about Opera on Tap Hamburg
For the full article click here.

Opera on Tap Hamburg's second performance, "A Nightmare at the Opera." NDR interviews Corinne Schaefer and Sashell Beck.
Corinne is featured in this review by Elbgängerin,
about Opera on Tap Hamburg
For the full article click here.